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How to Persuade Your Boss to Subscribe to PanoramataHow to Persuade Your Boss to Subscribe to Panoramata
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Okay, so you’re interested in using Panoramata. First off, we’re happy you’ve seen the light so congratulations! You’re on your way to a breezier schedule and less stress.

But there’s one person left to consider: your boss

Does that previous sentence fill you with dread? Is persuading your boss like pulling teeth? 

Don’t fear because we’re here with five arguments to have up your sleeve when talking about signing up for Panoramata. Think of this like pointers to get the conversation rolling to the right direction. 

1. Save more than 20 hours a month and GBs of memory on your computer

You need to talk numbers if you want to persuade your boss so talk in terms of savings. 

With Panoramata, you’ll save 20 hours a month that you would otherwise spend playing competitor detective and saving screenshots to the rapidly dwindling disk space on your computer. 

Tracking competitors automatically frees you from those tasks forever. All the information you need from email screenshots, landing pages, ads (video and image), and websites are already on the platform, collected and compiled for you.

That means you can access those anywhere, even if you’re not on your desk. 

Oh and by the way, we’re currently tracking more than 18,000 companies so we’re certain the brand you want is on Panoramata. And if they’re not, we’re just a message away and we’d be happy to add your request.

2. Understand how best-performing brands got to where they are

The second argument for signing up to Panoramata is that you can see how top-performing companies do it so you can follow suit.

If there’s something different or new in their content and promotions, you’ll be the first to know

What this does is it de-risks your growth strategy because you don’t need to improvise and test out ideas to see what works. Improvising and direct experimentation means more time and money wasted.

Wouldn’t it be better to see what your competitors are doing and taking notes? With Panoramata, you can clarify your vision and strategy without spending big bucks. 

3. Create better campaigns

Panoramata is like Pinterest but instead of dreaming up outfits and kitchen remodeling inspo, you can view, collect, and be inspired by other brands’ marketing campaigns.

You can save that flawlessly designed email for later or share that cool UGC video with a client or teammate. 

Inspiration is important because creative wells can run dry, especially when you’re juggling multiple tasks and roles. Competitors and industry-leading brands are a reliable source of information and best practices

But that’s not all. Panoramata gives you multiple ways to get inspired.

We have curated assets for every holiday, sale, and campaign-worthy event so you’re covered all year round. Plus you also have access to themed swipe files and weekly creatives roundups sourced from buzz-worthy brands. 

And like Pinterest, you can share your boards with other people, even if they’re not on Panoramata

Next is an argument your data-driven boss would like…

4. Access industry benchmarks

Ever wondered if your company is performing up to snuff compared to your peers?

Panoramata tracks your performance and compares it against brands in your industry or niche using easy-to-absorb benchmarks

Panoramata’s benchmarks are unique because it tracks your competitors’ performance using live data and stats that cover email marketing, advertising and other components of their digital marketing strategies. 

Benchmark metrics include number of emails sent, number of ads published, organic traffic, average spam score, backlinks, domain rating, and performance scores. 

You’ll know exactly where you’re lagging or leading compared to your competitors with these industry benchmarks, a gamechanger for any brand who wants to boost their digital presence

But that’s not all because with Panoramata, you can…

5. Create benchmarks instantly

Benchmarking is even more fool-proof when you make your own benchmarks. With your personalized benchmarks, you can compare yourself to your competitors or any brand or brands you like.

A benchmark takes seconds to generate and it’s always up-to-date since it’s based on real-time data. 

You can export your benchmark, share it with your team or clients, and add it to your Panoramata dashboard so it’s front and center when you go on the platform.

You can tick that task off your to-do list forever and never have to pull up a benchmark manually again. 

All good? Send your boss this email

Whenever you’re ready, personalize this template and email or message it to your boss. You got this!

Email template

Hi [your boss’ name],

I came across this interesting competitor tracking and benchmarking platform called Panoramata and thought it would be a great addition to the tools we’re using. I think it’s in the company’s interest to sign up for it for several reasons:

We’ll save hours spent manually checking up on competitors

We can access a full-fledged database of our competitor’s ads and emails and scope out their copy, angles, and creatives

We can prepare ahead and create better campaigns through the curated inspiration lists on the platform.  We can create our own lists as well and share it to anyone on and off the team.

Their industry benchmarks are comprehensive and the platform allows us to create benchmarks instantly as well.

Their basic plan costs $89 monthly. Given how important competitor tracking is to the growth of our business, I think it’s well worth it and will have a good return on the expense.

Can we schedule a meeting to talk about this?


Competitors Tracking Calculator

Competitors tracked: 10

You want to track:

Using Panoramata, you could save:

Hours per month: 7 hours
Other softwares cost: $140

Track your competitors automatically

Join +2k brands and get started for free

Mehdi Boufous
Here to help you save time, track your competitors and outperform them, effectively.
Track & compare your competitors easily

✓ Track emails, ads and landing pages
✓ Make better marketing decisions, faster
✓ Sparkle new ideas, save time and grow revenue

Get started now →

"It's crazy good and easy to use, we can track everything! I feel like a Sherlock Holmes for emails, ads & landings"

What you should do now

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways we can help you gain insights about your competitors and improve your own marketing strategy:

1. Claim your Free Competitors' Analysis. 

If you'd like to work with us to make sure you can effectively track your competitors and automatically get actionable insights, claim your Free Competitors' Analysis Presentation. We'll review your competitor landscape, highlight the main insights you should consider, and suggest best practices in your market you should implement.

2. Find more ways to improve your marketing strategy.

Go to our blog, where you can download swipe files, playbooks and templates you can apply to your own company. For instance, you can download 104 email marketing ideas, our master marketing swipe file, and our SWOT analysis templates.

3. Ready to start tracking your competitors automatically?

Get started on Panoramata for free today: sign up here and in a few minutes, you'll be able to monitor all your competitors' emails, ads, landing pages, websites changes, SMS, etc. You'll also be able to find the perfect marketing inspiration every time and get actionable insights.

Mentioned brands

No items found.

Make better marketing decisions, faster

Panoramata is your all-in-one competitor tracking hub, so you can automatically monitor them automatically, and unlock unlimited inspiration. Track newsletters, flows, ads, landing pages, SMS, tech stack and much more. Save more than 20 hours/mo.
Get Started for Free

1 minute signup, no Credit Card required

mehdi, founder of panoramata
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with Mehdi, our founder


"I'msaving a day a week.
I don't miss anything anymore and don't have to think about tracking competitors."

"It's crazy good and easy to use, we can track everything! I feel like a Sherlock Holmes for emails, ads & landings"

"It's way easier to plan my content calendareven for events such as Christmas or Black Friday"

See how Panoramata works:

What our customers say

Join 10k companies & start tracking your competitors instantly in one place.
"I wish I knew this existed before"
"Best investment so far"
"Incredible benchmarks"
5 wow moments
"I'm saving a day a week"
"I wish I knew this existed before"
"Best investment so far"
"Incredible benchmarks"
5 wow moments
"I'm saving a day a week"
Ads Libraries x Email Marketing x Pinterest
, all in one"
"It's been a lifesaver"
"Just filled my todo with
awesome ideas
in 5'"
"I know
what my competitors are doing
in 30s"
"We offer much more value to our clients"
Ads Libraries x Email Marketing x Pinterest
, all in one"
"It's been a lifesaver"
"Just filled my todo with
awesome ideas
in 5'"
"I know
what my competitors are doing
in 30s"
"We offer much more value to our clients"
"Saves me hours!"
"It's incredible
how much things I learned
on competitors"
"I can see it had been built for me"
"It's so easy to
find the perfect example
"I feel so much better"
"Saves me hours!"
"It's incredible
how much things I learned
on competitors"
"I can see it had been built for me"
"It's so easy to
find the perfect example
"I feel so much better"