Don’t worry if you’re new to AI or if you only have a small budget—this approach works for beginners and experts alike. All you need is about an hour per week to gather ideas and see what your competitors are doing. Our goal is to help you gather insights, spark new ideas, and then adapt your own strategy based on everything you learn.
What we'll cover:
AI might feel magical, but it doesn’t “guess” the truth. It works by analyzing patterns from the data it’s trained on. For example, ChatGPT’s knowledge only goes up to October 2023 (unless you turn on web browsing). So, if you ask it about brand-new events, it might not know. When you see AI’s answers, remember they can be wrong or incomplete. Use them as starting points or suggestions, not facts set in stone.
Perplexity acts like a research assistant that also shows you its sources. For example, if you ask, “What are the main challenges in the non-alcoholic beverage market?” it will give you a list of challenges and link to the articles it pulled them from. This helps you verify facts and dig deeper into each source. Then you can follow up by asking, “What are the top marketing opportunities in this market?” or “Which brands seem the most successful at targeting health-conscious consumers?”
When you ask ChatGPT or Gemini similar questions, you’ll also get plenty of ideas. But don’t stop at the first answer—keep the conversation going:
Each time, the AI refines its answers based on your prompts.
A powerful trick is to invite AI to criticize your competitor’s campaigns—or even your own. For example, say:
“Here are three email subject lines from a recent campaign. Please critique them and suggest improvements to attract health-focused moms.”
AI will suggest new subject lines or highlight why certain phrases might sound boring or unclear. It helps you see mistakes and refine your message.
After you gather the facts, run them through frameworks, and ask AI to critique ideas, you’ll have a clearer picture of how to stand out. AI can point out:
If you want to automate this tracking, check out Panoramata. This platform monitors your competitors’ marketing activities in real time: