You're looking for Email Ecommerce Marketing data for Philips Hue - FR? You're in the right place!
We display here a overview of Philips Hue - FR email marketing strategy - along with other brands from the Technology industry.
We're happy to let you access this data, as for your competitors or for your inspiring brands, any strategy should be continuously monitored to ensure effectiveness.
Average subject length
What about
Philips Hue - FR
With their average of
characters, they're above the limit and should consider to shorten their subject line. Here's one good reason - usuallyy, subject lines that long are not shown entirely on email clients on desktop or mobile. And what's good on saying something that will never be read?
Stay short!
characters, they're right within the sweet spot, which is good! It basically says that you have enough characters to express yourself, but at the same time it will show up entirely on email clients. Just the right amount of characters you want for your own brand!
characters, which is rare - but it means that they have actually more space to express themselves and share their brand values.
Why does this matter? Well, for open rates. Keep it short - on average, you should aim for 16 characters. We consider that above 12 is good, and below 24 is great.
Average email size
Why does this matter? Well, for open rates as well - and especially to avoid the Promotions tab and to be less categorized as spam. The lower, the best.
Average spam score
We use Spam Assassin, the main platform used by email providers to score spam. Below 0, you're safe ie. not considered as spam. Below -2, you're great. If you're above 0, you'll likely to be categorized as spam.
Philips Hue - FR
gets a score of
. What does that mean exactly for their email marketing strategy ?
Well, as stated, it's good! Any score below 0 generally means that the email will not be categorized as spam, especially the ones below -2 - it's a great score, one you want to keep because it helps a lot the deliverability of your emails!
It's good! It means that their email are not headed to the spam folder. However, a score below -2 would be considered even better.
Well, "oops". It's not that good, they're at a level where it could impact their email deliverability.
Does it means they're in the spam folder every time? No. The considered treshhold to be considered spam 100% of the time depends on a lot of factor (generally, consider that a score of 5 means that you end up there every time). Being between 0 and 5 means that it could happen though.
Usual sending provider
Most common words
Emoji use in subject lines
Most popular emojis
Average Weekly Emails vs. Industry
Average Daily Ads and Time Running vs. Industry
Email from
Philips Hue - FR
Email from
Philips Hue - FR
Email from
Philips Hue - FR
Váš domov, vaša atmosféra. 🌈 Zmeňte ju ľahko a rýchlo vďaka inteligentnému osvetleniu Philips Hue. 💡 Stačí si vybrať z prednastavených svetelných scén, alebo si vytvoriť originálnu atmosféru presne podľa seba. 🤩
Feed Ad from
Philips Hue - FR
Ľavá alebo pravá? 😏 S inteligentným vonkajším osvetlením Philips Hue môžete nastaviť obe svetelné scény. 🌈💡 Zmeniť atmosféru je tak jednoduché, ako svetlá zapojiť. 👍
Feed Ad from
Philips Hue - FR
Ľavá alebo pravá? 😏 So svietidlami Philips Hue máte oboje v jednom. 👍 Inteligentné osvetlenie sa prispôsobí vašim potrebám, časti dňa aj aktuálnej nálade. 🌈💡
Feed Ad from
Philips Hue - FR
Domain Rating
Estimated Traffic
Total Keywords
Total Backlinks
Backlinks Profile
Backlinks Text
Backlinks NoFollow
Backlinks Redirect
Backlinks Images
Backlinks Frame
Backlinks Form
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