Granell Cafés - ES

Marketing Strategy Breakdown

Logo of
Granell Cafés - ES
An overview of
Granell Cafés - ES
Marketing Strategy data we've collected and making publicly available on this page. Signing up on Panoramata, you'll be able to track them on real time and access all the relying data. We'll quickly cover here their Email Marketing Strategy (some of their
emails tracked on Panoramata) data, Paid Ads, Landing Pages and the main Marketing Softwares they're using in their stack, along with other DTC brands from the
ecommerce industry.

Granell Cafés - ES

- Ecommerce marketing strategy

There’s a lot to learn from Granell Cafés - ES ecommerce marketing strategy. Here, you can pick their marketing strategy, learn lessons, and take inspiration for your own eCommerce business.

We display here a overview of Granell Cafés - ES email marketing strategy - along with other brands from the Beverage industry.

In today’s competitive markets, we believe that benchmarking is key, as it allows you to deploy your marketing efforts more efficiently. This is why we built this library.

Granell Cafés - ES

: Email Marketing and Advertising Benchmarks

Average subject length


What about

Granell Cafés - ES


With their average of

characters, they're above the limit and should consider to shorten their subject line. Here's one good reason - usuallyy, subject lines that long are not shown entirely on email clients on desktop or mobile. And what's good on saying something that will never be read?

Stay short!

characters, they're right within the sweet spot, which is good! It basically says that you have enough characters to express yourself, but at the same time it will show up entirely on email clients. Just the right amount of characters you want for your own brand!

characters, which is rare - but it means that they have actually more space to express themselves and share their brand values.

Why does this matter? Well, for open rates. Keep it short - on average, you should aim for 16 characters. We consider that above 12 is good, and below 24 is great.

Average email size


Why does this matter? Well, for open rates as well - and especially to avoid the Promotions tab and to be less categorized as spam. The lower, the best.

Average spam score

(Assassin Spam Score for Newsletters)

We use Spam Assassin, the main platform used by email providers to score spam. Below 0, you're safe ie. not considered as spam. Below -2, you're great. If you're above 0, you'll likely to be categorized as spam.


Granell Cafés - ES

 gets a score of

. What does that mean exactly for their email marketing strategy ?

Well, as stated, it's good! Any score below 0 generally means that the email will not be categorized as spam, especially the ones below -2 - it's a great score, one you want to keep because it helps a lot the deliverability of your emails!

It's good! It means that their email are not headed to the spam folder. However, a score below -2 would be considered even better.

Well, "oops". It's not that good, they're at a level where it could impact their email deliverability.

Does it means they're in the spam folder every time? No. The considered treshhold to be considered spam 100% of the time depends on a lot of factor (generally, consider that a score of 5 means that you end up there every time). Being between 0 and 5 means that it could happen though.

Usual sending provider


Most common words

Emoji use in subject lines

% of subject lines have emojis

Most popular emojis



Average Weekly Emails vs. Industry

Average Weekly Emails vs. Industry

Average Daily Ads and Time Running vs. Industry

Average Daily Ads and Time Running vs. Industry

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Granell Cafés - ES

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Featured Email Marketing Assets from

Granell Cafés - ES

Email from

Granell Cafés - ES

Email from

Granell Cafés - ES

Email from

Granell Cafés - ES

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Featured Ads and Paid Media Examples from

Granell Cafés - ES

Granell Cafés - ES
Granell Cafés - ES

6 variedades de café gourmet seleccionados por nuestros maestros Granell 💖 Descube la nueva gama de cafés Maestros Granell.

Colombia- Embrujo Caldas Natural

Colombia- Embrujo Caldas Natural

Feed Ad from

Granell Cafés - ES

Granell Cafés - ES
Granell Cafés - ES

Para amantes del café de verdad ☕ Nueva gama de cafés Maestros Granell, los mejores orígenes y la esencia única de Granell.

Feed Ad from

Granell Cafés - ES

Granell Cafés - ES
Granell Cafés - ES

¿Huele a cafe? ☕ 15% de DTO + envío gratis en tu primer pedido con el código SABOREAGRANELL 📦

Espresso Clásico

Espresso Clásico

Feed Ad from

Granell Cafés - ES

Video Analysis

SEO strategy, Organic keywords and Traffic details for

Domain Rating

This is the overall metric that matters most, as it sets
Granell Cafés - ES
domain SEO authority.

It shows the power of
Granell Cafés - ES
domain, through the analysis of their backlinks profile compared to others websites, where 100 is the highest score you could achieve.

You can consider that scores between 40 and 50 and average, between 50 and 60 are good and above 60, it starts to be excellent.

Here, for
, as their domain authority is
, their score can be considered under average.

Here, for
, as their domain authority is
, their score can be considered average.

Here, for
, as their domain authority is
, their score can be considered pretty good! 🙌

Here, for
, as their domain authority is
, their score can be considered excellent! Kudos to the team 👏

Estimated Traffic

One of the most important metrics for
Granell Cafés - ES
SEO strategy! 

This figure is the estimated traffic they're receiving from Organic Search, and is directly correlated to their number of keywords (
) and their Domain Rating.

Total Keywords

Why does this matter for
Granell Cafés - ES
SEO strategy? 

This is the total number of keywords where 
Granell Cafés - ES
SEO rankings are in the top 100, across all countries. The more, the better, as it leads to a more important organic traffic.


The total number of domain who have a link to  
Granell Cafés - ES
website. The more, the better, as it helps to increase the domain rating.

Total Backlinks

What's a backlink? A link from another domain that redirect to  
Granell Cafés - ES
website. On top of their amount of links, we break down the kind of links they have.

Backlinks Profile

Backlinks Text

Backlinks NoFollow

Backlinks Redirect

Backlinks Images

Backlinks Frame

Backlinks Form

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Email flows & sequences breakdown

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Ads monitoring

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Brand profiles and Calendar View

Instantly see what a brand is doing well and when she's the most active.

Landing pages tracking

We track the changes made by your competitors on their website and on the landing pages they're using in their paid media.

Industry-specific Benchmarks

Based on all collected data, we build industry benchmarks you'll use for real, and share to your team/clients.

Softwares and Marketing eCommerce Stack

Coming soon.

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Granell Cafés - ES

) in one single platform

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